Recent News & Events

Fee for No Shows will be changing

Fee for No Shows will be changing

Please be aware that the fee for not showing up for your scheduled appointment, or cancelling with less than 24 hours notice will be $50 effective 7/14/23. This will not be billable to insurance.  For uninsured patients, or patients wishing to schedule an appointment for a non-covered service,



In recognition of the 4th of July holiday we will be closed Tuesday July 4.  We will be open regular business hours on July 3rd and July 5th. Thank you!

Fibroids: Myths vs Facts

Fibroids: Myths vs Facts

There are many misconceptions about fibroids making it difficult to distinguish fact from fiction. Let’s start with the facts. One half of American women will develop fibroids by age 50. You are 3 times more likely to develop fibroids if your mother or grandmother had them.



Starting Oct 4, 2022 Mercy Hospital will be starting a construction project that is expected to last a few weeks and to impact the flow of traffic on 8th Ave.  This is in addition to many other construction projects starting downtown. 

Updated Ultrasound Policy

Updated Ultrasound Policy

The safety of our patients and their families are of the upmost importance to us at Cedar Rapids OBGYN Specialists.  With this in mind, we have updated our ultrasound guest policy and will no longer be allowing any children under the age of 14 into the ultrasound rooms. 

Closed Labor Day

Closed Labor Day

We will be closed in observance of Labor Day Monday September 5th.  We will resume regular business hours on Tuesday September 6th.  Have a safe holiday!


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