Category: News

The Five Main Types of Gynecologic Cancers and How They’re Treated

When thinking about the main types of gynecologic cancers, the most important factor for women is to “know your normal.” Signs and symptoms can be different for each woman, so if you are aware of what is normal for you, it will be easier to spot any changes and catch problems early. With that thought in mind let’s discuss the five main types of gynecologic cancers and how they are treated.

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Dealing with Winter Blues and Mood Changes During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time of anticipation and joy, but the combination of pregnancy hormones and the colder, darker months can lead to a common challenge: winter blues. For many pregnant individuals, the shorter days and reduced sunlight can impact mood, making it harder to feel upbeat and energetic. 

If you’re facing winter blues during pregnancy, rest assured there are ways to manage these changes and maintain emotional well-being. Below, we look at some strategies to help lift your spirits and navigate mood changes for a happier, healthier winter pregnancy!

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C-Section Recovery in Winter: Practical Tips for Staying Comfortable

Recovering from a C-section is a unique experience that requires extra care, and winter can present its own set of challenges. Cold weather, holiday gatherings, and limited sunlight can all impact your comfort and recovery process. Here’s a guide with practical winter-specific tips to help you stay comfortable, manage guests, and focus on healing.

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Understanding Menstrual Migraines: Causes and Symptoms

As if women don’t have enough pre-menstrual issues to deal with like bloating and irritability, now you are hit with menstrual migraines. All these unfortunate maladies are caused by those pesky female hormones. If you are a new victim or have been wondering about these especially painful headaches, keep reading. We will help with understanding menstrual migraines, including causes and symptoms.

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Understanding the Different Stages of Labor and Delivery

Labor and delivery are profound, life-changing experiences. As with most areas, knowledge is power, and understanding what to expect can provide comfort and confidence for expectant parents. 

Labor is generally divided into stages, each with distinct signs, durations, and expectations. Knowing these stages can help you prepare, make informed decisions, and effectively communicate with your OBGYN at every stage of the process.

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Preemie Development: Understanding Actual vs Corrected Age

How old is your baby? Most new mothers hear that question a lot. For the mom of a premature infant also known as a preemie, the answer can be complicated. So how exactly do you answer this person’s question? It’s really up to you, but it is important that you are aware of preemie development: understanding actual vs corrected age. Continue reading “Preemie Development: Understanding Actual vs Corrected Age”

Symptoms of Pelvic Organ Prolapse You Shouldn’t Ignore

Many people will ignore symptoms when they are afraid to find out what is going on with their body. It’s a common reaction to unknown issues, but it doesn’t make the problem go away. In fact, it can make it worse by waiting and then finding out the diagnosis later when treatment options are more limited. This is certainly true when it comes to the symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse.

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Prioritizing Breast Health: Your Guide to Breast Exams

Breast exams are performed to check for any unusual changes to your breast tissue. These checks are an important way to be proactive with your breast health—early detection is the best protection. Do you know how to do a monthly breast self exam? Prioritizing breast health: your guide to breast exams.

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Twin Pregnancy And Beyond: A Guide For New Parents

Before the days of ultrasound, parents of twins had no idea they were about to have “double the fun.” Today parents can find out they are going to be parents of multiples well ahead of birth. This affords them time to prepare both physically and mentally. It’s a big challenge and requires some organization and the right mindset. Twin pregnancy and beyond: a guide for new parents. Continue reading “Twin Pregnancy And Beyond: A Guide For New Parents”


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